August 5th, 2024

Reporting dates: Sunday, July 28th - Saturday, August 3rd

Weekly Highlight

GURUKA: Our kids started back at school for the summer term!

Major Accomplishments

  1. Completed our new company website.

  2. Officially launched our affiliate marketing program. Eight affiliates from outside the team have already joined and we’ve received our first guests using their codes.

  3. Updated our company-wide privacy policy and terms of use.

  4. Completed and submitted our Annual Accounting Report to RDB.

  5. Completed our funding proposal budget.

  6. Officially launched our new menu, with all dishes now available each day and with extended operating hours.

  7. Hosted our first art class, organized by Hanga Curator, Christian Nsinzi.

  8. Launched our new web-based reporting structure for weekly and quarterly reports.

Additional Progress

  • We are continuing to refine our menu, testing new dishes, and clarifying budgets.

  • We are continuing to invite new affiliates to join our program and sharing our short-term 10% discount codes with guests to increase traffic.


TOTAL GUESTS: 39 (+31 from last week)

REVENUE: 149,750 RWF ($114.04)

EXPENSES: 286,809 RWF ($218.42)

PROFIT: -137,059 (-$104.38)

Financial Notes

This week was our second highest in July for revenue and had the most customers of the month. However, increased expenses exceeded the revenue.


On Saturday, we received an unexpected burger order for 10 people. Typically, we do not serve on Saturdays, but the whole team rallied together to deliver a quality experience. Most of the guests, who were visiting from Kigali, loved our burgers and expressed a wish that we had a location in their city.

A returning Murugo guest, Sandra, stayed with us again over the weekend and brought two large boxes of clothes and shoes from Kigali for the kids in our mentorship program. This is the largest clothing donation we've received, and it's been incredibly heartwarming to see. The kids were in great need of new shoes and clothes.

Moise, Aimé, Olivier, their friend David, and Honorine, the newest member of our mentorship program, rocking their new outfits.


August 12th, 2024


July 29th, 2024